Author Guidelines
On account of large number of submissions, we adhere to certain regulations in terms of length, level and format of submissions. We request authors to procure our format while submission to avoid long delays and rejection.
The submissions accepted can be published in English language or in any other regional language as recommended by the concern author.
Article Types
Research Article: The maximum length for a Research Article is 3500-4000 words of text - counting only the Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.
Review Articles: Review articles should not exceed 4000-4500 words in length; the abstract must not exceed 250 words; we recommend a limit of 100 references.
Case Reports: The word limit should not exceed 1500-2000 words in length.
Editorials: The maximum length for an Editorial Article is 1000-1500 words of text.
Letter to the Editor: The maximum length for a Letter to the editor is 500 words of text.
Clinical Image: The clinical image should not exceed 200-500 words in length.
In this section we provide the basic information that will assist authors in preparation of their manuscript accordingly in standard format. Please read the instructions before you submit your manuscripts.
Following are the format details:
- Cover letter
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- References
Author cover letter: it is the first page of your manuscript that should contain. a) Article title b) Authors c) Affiliations d) Corresponding author.
Main body content
The file format acceptable for main manuscript document is Microsoft word. Please ensure that the file must be editable for processing in production. Figures, tables and additional media files if any should be submitted in separate files and should be editable for the convenience in the processing of article. Please follow the styles and formats as shown in below.
- Title: Times New Roman, 15 Bold, Title Case, Centralized alignment.
- Author(s): Times New Roman, 11 Bold, Left alignment.
- Affiliations: Times New Roman, 10 Normal, Left-Right Alignment.
- Corresponding author: Times New Roman, 10 Normal, and Justified.
- Headings: Times New Roman, 11 Bold, and Left-Right Alignment.
- Subheadings or Sub-sub headings: Times New Roman, 10 Bold, and Left-Right Alignment.
- Spacing: Indentation after/before: 0; Spacing after/before: 0, 1.5 line Spacing.
Manuscript Titles
Title should not contain acronyms, abbreviations or punctuations. The title should be technically brief and more precisely meaningful that it explains the content in manuscript.
In this section a complete list of authors and affiliations should be provided. Author names should be mentioned as Last name followed by their concern Initials without space or any punctuation. If there were more than one author then they should be differentiated by the conjunction ‘and’ in between. Their affiliations are numbered after the initials in superscript. Corresponding author is represented with a superscript star.
Eg: Michael DR¹* and John PJ²
Affiliations must be provided as: Department, University, Country
Eg: Michael DR¹* and John PJ²
¹Eisenhower Medical Center, Rancho Mirage, CA, USA
²Eisenhower Medical Center, Rancho Mirage, CA, USA
²Luci Curci Cancer Center, Rancho Mirage, CA, USA
Corresponding author
Last Name followed by Initials, Department, University, Complete Postal Address, Country, Telephone details; Fax No; Email
Eg: Hansen KE, Department of Medicine, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine & Public Health, Mailbox 4124, Medical Foundation Centennial Building, 1685 Highland Avenue, Madison, WI, 53705-2281, USA, Tel: 608-263-3457; Fax: 608-263-7353; Email:
The Word limit of the abstract should not exceed more than 300 words. Abstract should not include any citations and must be short and accurate. An abstract must be a summarization of scientific content that explained in the article.
We do recommend keywords maximum of 4-6, as the purpose of keywords are to allure the readers and indexers to easily pinpoint your scientific work. This will help to increase your chances of getting more citations and high readership to your manuscript.
Eg: Lung cancer; Biomarkers; Cancer therapy; etc…
This section contains abbreviations that are used in the manuscript and all the abbreviations used in manuscript must be mentioned and are separated by semicolon.
Body Text
All the Manuscript types must contain the above mentioned structure format. If any manuscript that do not fulfill the above mentioned requirements will not be accepted.
Materials and Methods
In this section authors are responsible for making materials, raw data and associated protocols relevant to the submission. For Research articles this section must be included as it highlights tools or resources that are important for their respective fields and the potential to accelerate the discovery. The Author should submit all the significant, technological or methodological advances, genomic and other datasets, collections of biological resources, software tools are to be mentioned. The article should describe the materials and methods so that prospective users have all the information needed to deploy it within their own work.
The article must provide the clear and accurate results, conclusions and with discussions along with corresponding figures and tables.
Prior to publication the corresponding author will have an opportunity to review a proof of the article for 24 hours and the author can answer queries generated during the production process. Any changes can be made that are limited to essential corrections.
Clinical Surgery Journal follows author-number system (Vancouver Style). All the references including URLs are numbered respectively within square brackets, in the same order as they are mentioned in the main text.
Eg: For journal Article if authors are less than 6 members:
Karimi-Zarchi M, Peighmbari F, Karimi N, Rohi M, Chiti Z. A Comparison of 3 Ways of Conventional Pap Smear, Liquid-Based Cytology and Colposcopy vs Cervical Biopsy for Early Diagnosis of Premalignant Lesions or Cervical Cancer in Women with Abnormal Conventional Pap Test. Int J Biomed Sci. 2013; 9: 205-210.
Journal Article with more than 6 authorsEg: Henriques A, Arantes-Rodrigues R, Faustino-Rocha IA, Teixeira-Guedes IC, Pinho-Oliveira J, Talhada D, et al. The Effects of Whole Green Tea Infusion on Mouse Urinary Bladder Chemical Carcinogenesis. Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2014; 17: 145-148.
Book ReferencesEg: Gardner JG, Simmons MJ, Snustad PD. Principles of Genetics. 8th edn. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 2006.
Book ChapterEg: Honn KV, Tang DG, Chen Y. Adhesion molecules and site-specific metastasis. Neri Serneri SS, Gensini GF, Abbate R, Prisco D, editors. In: Thrombosis: An Update. Scientific Press. 1992; 269-303.
Link/URLEg: National Cancer Institute at National Institutes of Health. [hyperlinked with]
Proceedings of a ConferenceEg: Gee JC, Joshi S, Pohl KM, Wells WM, Zollei L, editors. Information Processing in Medical Imaging. Proceedings of 23rd International Conference; 2013 June 28--July 3; CA, USA. New York: Springer, 2013.
PhD Theses/DissertationEg: Simonneau A. Gold-Catalyzed Cycloisomerization Reactions Through Activation of Alkynes [dissertation]. Springer Theses, 2014.
DatasetsEg: Zheng LY, Guo XS, He B, Sun LJ, Peng Y, Dong SS, et al. Genome data from sweet and grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). GigaScience. 2011.
Journal Article Epub ahead of printEg: Reardon DA, Wen PY. Targeted therapies: Further delineating bevacizumab's response spectrum. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2014 [In press].
Preparation of figures
We suggest the figures should be in JPEG format and should be compatible with clarity. Resolution of figures should be 600 pixels by 1200 pixels (high resolution). Please ensure that each figure should fit in one page along with their title and concise legends on the same page and their fonts and font sizes must be uniform, and should be provided in Microsoft word. It is the responsibility of Authors to obtain the permission from the copyright holder to reproduce figures that have previously been published elsewhere. Figures should be in the correct orientation and unnecessary white space and excessive colour should be avoided. Numbering of figures should be in the same order as they mentioned in the main text.
Preparation of Tables
We recommend the tables should be provided in Microsoft word but not in picture format. Tables must fit in one page with uniform font and font sizes in their content or titles. It is the responsibility of Authors to obtain the permission from the copyright holder to reproduce tables that have previously been published elsewhere. Numbering of tables should be in the same order as they mentioned in the main text. Colour and shading is not accepted to the tables, if parts of tables are highlighted using superscript, numbering, lettering, symbols or bold text then the meaning of which should be explained in table legend. Footnotes should be used below the table that may be used to explain abbreviations.
Note: We also encourage the additional files like media files: audio files, video files, animations, slideshows and etc, if the author wants and it is entirely depend on the author. But the additional files must be submitted during initial submission when the author submits his/her paper for the first time only. Submission should be done in separate file but not in the main text.
In this section, individuals or contributors who have contributed or provided any technical support to the original work and do not meet the criteria for authorship can be listed. As a matter of courtesy if an author wants to enlist any individuals or contributors in this section must seek their permission.
All the content irrespective of journal, manuscript, article or research material that are published in Clinical Surgery Journal are copyrighted and belongs to the property of Publications which cannot be copied or transmitted or shared without our knowledge, and written consent which is then cannot be published without quoting the source.
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Thank you for choosing us. We recommend you to go through our guidelines before submitting the paper.

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